An Mesothelioma Attorney
A mesothelioma attorney will most likely be working on a contingency basis. What this means is that the lawyer will only be paid once a financial settlement is made. There will be no upfront costs for families making a claim.
This is an important factor in mesothelioma litigation because many sufferers of mesothelioma are blue collar workers. As I mentioned, people who suffer from mesothelioma sure to asbestos work in fields such as the construction industry or mining. More than likely, these people will not be able to afford high-priced lawyers. When you factor in mounting medical bills, a contingency-based mesothelioma attorney is even more necessary.
People are sometimes suspicious of the contingency process. It almost sounds too good to be true. "I don't have to pay anything?" It is true. If no settlement is able to be reached, the client pays nothing to a mesothelioma attorney. This is significant because some attorneys charge hundreds of dollars an hour, or charge for processing paperwork.
The reason this process works is because more often than not a mesothelioma attorney is able to make a settlement. Claims against asbestos companies are often rewarded. These rewards can be quite high, so if a mesothelioma attorney is not able to make a claim with one client, another large settlement may cover the difference.
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