mesothelioma cancer
Compensation for mesothelioma cancer generally does not come from the place of employment. Sometimes, but not often, a claim can be filed against a workplace. In this case, a worker will receive a form of worker's compensation. However, worker's comp can conflict with a claim against an asbestos company.
An asbestos company is more liable to damages than the workplace--and so a larger claim can be awarded. For this reason, most workers suffering from mesothelioma cancer will file a claim against the asbestos company rather than the worksite. A lawsuit will not be against a former employer, but against a corporation with which a worker had no contact.
It is also easier to make a claim against an asbestos company rather than a worksite. Perhaps the foreman running the worksite didn't know about any asbestos danger. On the other hand, asbestos companies knew that their product was hazardous and used it anyway--much easier to prove.
Mesothelioma cancer patients can also file for disability insurance or social security disability with the federal government. Again, these may get in the way of the major claim you are making against the asbestos company. You should talk with your lawyer about all of the options to get adequate compensation.
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