mesothelioma injury
There are a number of occupations where you can contract a mesothelioma injury. It's an extremely long list so I will only list some of them: roofers, carpenters, millwrights, welders, painters, plumbers, electricians, mechanics, and others. It is not entirely necessary to list every profession--if you have worked some kind of manual labor it is possible that you have had asbestos exposure.
Don't let this alarm you excessively. Just because you are a plumber does not mean that you have been exposed to asbestos and have a potential mesothelioma injury. But it is important to be wary, and to stay healthy. It may be necessary to think back on all of the plumbing jobs you had. If you had an extended job in a building built before 1960, it is possible--but not a given--that you had some kind of ACM exposure.
Of the many jobs where a mesothelioma injury is possible, there are some that are worse than others. Understandably, asbestos insulation workers are at the greatest risk. There is also a greater risk for a mesothelioma injury for workers who smoke. Smoking weakens the lungs, elevating the impact that asbestos will have on the lining of the lungs.
Conversely, asbestos exposure makes it more likely that a smoker will develop lung cancer. If you have worked with asbestos and you are a smoker, you should stop smoking right away. To not do so will increase the risk that you contract a terminal illness such as mesothelioma.
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